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  • 2021年09月17日
  • 50 金币


随着国民消费购买力增加,以及中国人民对传统节日越来越重视,在互联网时代的月饼延伸出了更多的社交属性,中秋佳节送礼成为了中国消费者表达祝福的最重要方式之一。在此背景下,国内的高端月饼市场崛起,月饼行业有高端化、精品化发展的趋势,使得整体月饼价格有所提升,带动销售规模增长。iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,2015-2020年,从131.8亿元上升到205.2亿元,预计2021年中国月饼销售额达到218.1亿元。
As the purchasing power of national consumption increases and the Chinese people pay more and more attention to traditional festivals, moon cakes in the Internet era extend more social attributes. Mid Autumn Festival gift giving has become one of the most important ways for Chinese consumers to express their blessings. In this context, the domestic high-end moon cake market is rising, and the moon cake industry has the trend of high-end and high-quality development, which improves the overall moon cake price and drives the growth of sales scale. According to the data of iimedia research, from 2015 to 2020, it increased from 13.18 billion yuan to 20.52 billion yuan. It is expected that the sales of moon cakes in China will reach 21.81 billion yuan in 2021.


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