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Steelcase:混合办公新时代The New Era of Hybrid Work【英文版】

  • 2022年03月21日
  • 50 金币


Since the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, Steelcase has conducted 12+global studies with over 57,000 employees and business leaders to understand the impact it's had on how and where people and organizations will work in the future.

This issue shares the insights from a global study designed to measure the current mindset of office workers and investigates their experiences,needs and expectations for working at the office and at home. The latest quantitative study was conducted in the fall of 2021 in 11 countries and included 4,986 participants.

Steelcase is committed to ongoing research to understand how work and the office is shifting during this time of rapid change to help people do their best work by creating places that work better. To stay connected to our research and insights visit steelcase.com/subscribe.


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